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Resources and Endpoints

This chapter describes the available resources and endpoints. Each section starts with a small table listing some basic properties of the resource, followed by a short description of what it's used for. Each endpoint and the associated permissions are described as well.

Finally, all entities used by the resource are described in detail, first in code (as TypeScript type definitions) and then in table format, listing the property name, data type and a description of the property.

The following primitive data types are used. Entities may also be nested, in which case the entity name is used as the data type.

Data TypeDescription
Base64StringA binary value, Base-64 encoded.
BooleanA boolean value (either true or false).
CronExprA cron expression string, used when specifying schedules.
DateTimeAn extended ISO 8601-formatted timestamp.
DurationAn ISO 8601-formatted duration string.
Float32A signed, 32-bit long IEEE floating point value.
Float64A signed, 64-bit long IEEE floating point value.
Int32A signed, 32-bit long integer value.
Int64A signed, 64-bit long integer value.
MoneyA monetary value, with up to 3 decimals.
StringA textual value.
TranslationA [language, text] tuple.
URIAn URI string.
  • Each datatype may be followed by [] in order to indicate a list instead of just a scalar value.
  • An optional property is indicated by a trailing ? character.
  • An entity which is persisted on the server always has an id, a created timestamp and an updated timestamp. This is indicated by prepending Stored_ to the entity name.
  • When an entity is used with the PATCH HTTP method, all properties are optional. This is indicated by prepending Partial_ to the entity name.