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The Java/Kotlin SDK includes everything you need to get started: Method wrappers for all API endpoints, related domain/DTO classes, utility functions to handle dates, build search queries and generate OAuth PKCE challenges, and even an embedded Hawk module to handle the authentication protocol. It requires Java 8 or greater and has very few external dependencies.

In general, null or Optional.empty() means not specified in this SDK (like undefined in JavaScript). To explicitly erase a property, set it to Erasable.nil(), which behaves more like null in JSON and JavaScript. Erasable is like the standard Optional, except that it can also represent null.

Adding the SDK to your project

The SDK is freely available and is published on the Central Repository. To use it, simply add it as a dependency to your project:

implementation 'com.onslip:onslip-360-api:1.+'

Initialize the SDK

The SDK is initialized with a default request handler automatically and requires no further initialization (unless you want to plug in a custom request handler).

Create an API instance and make a request

Let's make the first call to the API server:

ResponseMetadata rmd = new ResponseMetadata();
API api = new API("", "<realm>", "key:<username>+<keyname>@<realm>", "<key>")

ClientInfo me = api.getClientInfo();
System.out.println("Me: " + me);

Don't yet have an API key? Log in to your Onslip 360 Backoffice account at, go to API Keys via the top-right user menu and create one!

When you are ready to go to production, simply change the API base URL from to You should also use OAuth to promote your work and make it easy for your customers to activate the integration.

Next steps

To learn more about the API, please refer to the Onslip 360 API User Guide.


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